Klanten en externe relaties zeggen het volgende over de samenwerking met ons
“Bertrand de Neve is an absolute expert in areas such as DevOps, Automation, and Tooling. His precision and result-oriented approach stand out immediately, enabling him to tackle and solve complex issues effectively. His extensive technological knowledge in the DevOps domain has greatly contributed to the development of vision, strategy, and execution. Bertrand exudes enthusiasm, is easy to work with, and takes on a substantial amount of responsibility. Thanks for the pleasant collaboration.”
December 2023, Manuel Panman, PO Service Integration de Volksbank & Partner Sofie B.V.
“I had the privilege of collaborating closely with Bertrand during the implementation of DevOps at De Volksbank. His extensive expertise in DevOps, IT, and organizational transformation proved invaluable to our team’s success. Bertrand’s ability to impart his knowledge and guide the team through challenges was truly impressive. He played a pivotal role in my own learning journey, and I wholeheartedly recommend Bertrand if you’re looking to elevate your IT organization to new heights.”
Augustus 2023, Jan Rijk, Platform Engineer ServiceNow [De Volksbank]
“Bertrand en ik hebben samengewerkt binnen een complex traject waarbij het doel was oude legacy componenten uit te faseren. Ik heb veel van Bertrand kunnen leren en waardeer zijn expertise doorzettingsvermogen en analytisch inzicht. Met name zijn vermogen om ingewikkelde materie plat te kunnen slaan en begrijpelijk vast te leggen spreekt me erg aan. Hij heeft een goede basis gelegd voor dit traject waar we dankbaar gebruik van maken. Ik zou in de toekomst zeker weer willen samenwerken met Bertrand.”
December 2022, Mike Bakker, Solution Architect [ING]
“Samenwerking met Bertrand heb ik als zeer positief ervaren. Als projectleider van het project workspace (VDI) onderscheidde Bertrand zichzelf als Professioneel, Kundig en doorpakkend. Tevens heeft hij een fijne persoonlijkheid. Bertrand wist precies door zijn aanpak wat het team nodig had. Een absolute aanwinst voor ieder project!”
February 2021, Kevin Leclaire, IT Consultant [T4-itsupport]
“Bertrand played a key role in a complex and global change initiative within the ING in which we implemented a standard (agile) way of working in over 40+ countries. What makes him successful is his capability to truly listen, understand and connecting to people. He qualifies to me as patient though persistent; daring to ask tough questions and challenges status quo. Feeling comfortable in a multitude of roles, varying from change agent or trainer to be the organizer and facilitator of workshops spanning many disciplines. By bringing practical experiences and show broad understanding of theoretical frameworks and methodologies, proved very helpful in achieving our goals. Without any doubt would ask him anytime again when I would face a future challenge. Thank you for your support, we couldn’t have done without you!”
October 2019, Martin Lip, Staff / IT Manager [ING]
“Working with Bertrand has always been a pleasure. He has thepower to get things done in a pragmatic way. He don’t see issues,but always seeks for opportunities on how to get the job done.Most important is that he creates a good and trusted atmospherewhere people feel safe and comfortable.”
October 2019, Daniël Edelenbosch-Groot, IT Chapter Lead [ING]
“I have now worked with Bertrand twice during our careers. Several years ago at Taqa and more recently at the ITSM implementation at ING Domestic Banking. Bertrand is very positive person to be around and very succesful in keeping the team spirit high. He is knowledgeable in the areas of Agile and ITSM. Knows how to organize and manage the work and stakeholders.
I enjoyed working with Bertand and wouldn’t hesitate to do so again!!”
May 29, 2018, Jan-Willem Boere, Sr. IT Management Consultant [Fruition Partners]
“Working with Bertrand means:
-> Learning something new every day
-> Stretching yourself beyond the boundries
-> Not getting overwhelmed by any situation, but take it with a smile and embrace the challenge
-> Working in a setting where everyone feels engaged and inspired
-> Getting things done
-> and, as he likes to say it: “never a dull moment’.
I have worked with Bertrand @ING and it would be my pleasure to work with him again.”
April 10, 2018, Rakesh Mahes, consultant [ING]
“Worked with Bertrand for ING with the assignment to onboard the Domestic Bank NL of ING onto the ServiceNow tool for ITSM processes. Bertrand has a strong personality with in depth technical knowledge about the ServiceNow tool. Together with his ability to enthuse and create a trusted bond with people enables Bertrand to navigate through difficult organizational challenges during any change.
The roadmap created by Bertrand and the guidance he provided to the other IT teams involved in this change has lead to a successful implementation of the ServiceNow tool for ING.
I would love to work again with Bertrand if I was given the opportunity in the future.”
March 6, 2018, Richard Molenaar, managing ITSM consultant [ING]
“Working together on implementing service management processes at Inter IKEA I have got to know Bertrand as a true project leader and excellent scrum master. Bertrand is the type of guy that steps up to any challenge is quick to analyse remedial actions and really knows to get the team going. It was a pleasure to work with him and I would recommandeer him on any project”
October 14, 2015, Egbert Uit den Bogaard Sr. Engagement Manager [ServiceNow Nederland]
“I had the pleasure of working with Bertrand at one of the projects with him as scrum master. He is a great collaborator, great motivator and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. “
September 16, 2015, Hafid Ahannay, Business Process & Technical Consultant [ServiceNow]
“Bertrand and I worked together on the implementation of ServiceNow within inter IKEA systems. Beside acting as the managing (IT)SM consultant, he acted also as our SCRUM master/coach. Within this roles, he managed to get the implementation done within time, cause of his both enthusiastic and demanding management style. Next to that he became proficient with the latest version of ServiceNow rapidly.
Thanks for the cooperation!”
May 21, 2015, Julien Jumpertz [Paphos Group]
“I’ve worked with Bertrand since 2008. His passion and drive to get work started and done, do not hinder him in doing it in a structured and well thought through way. As a project manager, he is always a step ahead and sees things within a wider context. He delivers quality and commitment, but expects this from the team and supplier as well. During the last few years, Bertrand was one of driving forces in the global project managers’ team to get well-structured Project Management Office (PMO) setup. This has resulted in the selection of AtTask, which has been of great value to the company (not limited to IT). Next to this global work, he has been keen on building and socialising the IT roadmap to bridge the gap between IT and the business stakeholders. Bertrand is a great counterpart to think ideas through, able to provide a view on the flip side in a very constructive way. I wish him all the best, but I hope that our career paths do cross again in the future.”
1 Juni 2014 | Leendert Verhoeff, Head IT Operations at TAQA [Abu Dhabi National Energy Company]
“Bertrand is a known to make sure that every task is handled with perfection. He knows how to lead a project. He is really dedicated to his work, and client satisfaction. It was really great to work with Bertrand.”
4 April 2014 | Brian Verdies, System Engineer, undisclosed company
“I know Bertrand as an experienced project / program manager. Bertrand is very good at managing large IT projects and programs, especially his soft skills stand out. He doesn’t lose sight of the end product, where it’s all about. It was a pleasure working together on serveral projects for TAQA, where Bertrand acted as program manager.”
12 Maart 2014 | Stephan Bassie, System Engineer at TAQA, owner Triomph B.V.
“Rest assured when Bertrand is leading challenging projects. Not only does he own all the qualifications, applies the appropriate structured methodology, and skills expected from a project- and program manager, his wide knowledge (and beyond) on these areas guarantee success, whilst never losing his composure. Overall, a very intelligent, motivated and valuable professional.”
10 Maart 2014 | Hilmi Tekin, Security Coordinator at TAQA
“As the Head of IT Governance and PMO at TAQA, I have had the pleasure to work with Bertrand de Neve for over four years.
In the first three years, Bertrand was primarily managing projects on behalf of our operation in the Netherlands. During this time, our work relation centered around the IT PMO Group; a global committee represented by portfolio managers from our operating entities that is set up to promote standards and best practices in project management across the IT organization. With a strong affinity for methodology and armed with a number of relevant certifications, Bertrand was an active and appreciated member of the group.
In the last year, Bertrand became a direct report and shifted to manage global IT projects. The largest project was to replace six different applications used to manage the IT service desk with a single cloud based solution. This involved managing more than 180 stakeholders spread across four different geographies. Bertrand did a great job directing the project team and creating a collaborative team spirit.
Future employers will find Bertrand to be structured, responsive and a loyal person who is fully capable of managing large and complex projects.”
7 januari 2014 | Edward Ljunggren PMP, Head of Governance and PMO at TAQA [Abu Dhabi National Energy Company]
“I worked with Bertrand during my time with TAQA. At the time TAQA was in its infancy and corporate processes and methodologies needed to be established. Along with colleagues from other countries we developed an enterprise-wide PM methodology for the corporate PMO, one which respected regional and cultural differences while still maintaining a solid foundation to guide projects.
I found Bertrand to be well versed in various project management methodologies (PRINCE2, PMP) which served us well in applying them to what would become the TAQA methodology.
Bertrand is an incredibly intelligent and dedicated individual. He demonstrated this countless times during his tenure, whether it be managing individual projects, managing IT resources, or participating as a project team member. During the implementation of Workfront (formerly Attask), a portfolio and project management software tool, Bertrand fully embraced the system and quickly became a resident expert in the product. I would highly recommend Bertrand to any PM and senior level IT position.”
March 3, 2016, Kim Leong Program Manager at TAQA International B.V.
“Bertrand is an intelligent and skilled Project- & Program Mgr. His hard work and analytic skills are valuable for any project. I’ve had the pleasure to work with him for several years, during which we achieved great synergies. Bertrand has an eye for details, while also recognizing the bigger picture. His refreshing view has been inspiring, his expertise has been of great value and his personality makes him great to work with.”
24 december 2013 | Sjoerd de Vries PMP, Program Manager IT at TAQA, owner at Triomph
“Bertrand has the rare combination to be a very skilled people manager with an impressive subjectmatter expertise. He is allways very much interested in the latest techniques, and he is able to select and apply it in order to contribute to the business goals of his company. Furthermore he is very successful in aligning business and IT in an international organization. Bertrand is a trusted partner and it is a pleasure to work with Bertrand!”
2 augustus 2011 | Bas Rookhuijzen MBA , Global Account Manager at Capgemini. Nowadays Bas is Industry Manager at Google.
“Bertrand is very experienced and knowledgeable in the arena of Program/Project management. He is a people’s person who does not mind sharing his knowledge and always manages to get the best out of his project team members in a pragmatic approach.”
13 mei 2011 | Adrian Mattheyse, Sr. Analyst Programmer at Old Mutual
“Bertrand and I worked together on a Enterprise Content Management project at TAQA. As experienced IT program manager he knows what the market offers in products and consultancy and challenged me and my colleagues to deliver towards demanding time lines and scope. I admire how he creates an open and professional working environment with room for discussion and improvements but clearly focused on the deliverables and stakeholder expectations. He is experienced in an international setting, operating in a multinational company; politically and pragmatic where needed.”
9 mei 2011 | Harry Coppoolse, Business Records Manager at Shell Projects & Technology
“I worked for Bertrand on several projects at TAQA. He is an experienced professional who is very motivated and focussed, and always makes sure that a project delivers what is needed by the business. He strives for high quality and at the same time manages to execute projects in a “lean and mean” way. He’s also a very nice person with whom it’s a pleasure to work with.”
19 april 2011 | Paul van den Bosch, Business Consultant at Eneco
“During my work at TAQA I worked with Bertrand on several projects. He is a very social and nice person to work with. He really knows how to handle challenging (international) projects. Whatever happens he never loses sight on the business needs and delivers a good result.”
18 januari 2011 | Dennis van Doorn, Infrastructure Consultant at Winvision
“Bertrand is always friendly and willing to share his views and knowledge on various subjects. He is highly motivated and focused to manage competing priorities across a complex and diverse geographical area. He is an (IT) professional in each sense of the word: highly experienced, process-oriented, very skilled and a drive towards high quality. Bertrand is a dynamic and motivated person with excellent stakeholder management skills and a lot of commitment to his work. He is a very nice colleague to work with. You can rely on him!”
13 december 2010 | Igor Leeman, Teammanager Professional Solutions bij SCC
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